Each session includes required reading, a written lecture, and a writing assignment to turn in for personalized feedback from your instructor.
Session One: Who is the story about?
Session Two: What is the protagonist’s goal?
Session Three: What is the protagonist’s problem?
Session Four: Who is the antagonist?
Session Five: How do you create obstacles for the protagonist?
Session Six: What is the story really about?
Session Seven: How do you choose a Point of View (POV)?
Session Eight: How Do you make Dialogue Interesting and Descriptions Visual?
Session Nine: How does the story end?
Session Ten: Where should your story begin?
Session Eleven: What is the best order for writing the story?
Session Twelve: What supplies the motivation to finish writing the story?
What will you learn?
Who should attend?
Required Reading
Meet the instructor

Ran Walker
Ran Walker (he/him)Â is the author of over 30 books. His short stories, flash fiction, microfiction, and poetry have appeared in a variety of anthologies and journals. Prior to becoming a writer and educator, he worked in magazine publishing and practiced law in Mississippi.
He is the winner of the Indie Author Project's National Indie Author of the Year Award, the Black Caucus of the American Library Association Best Fiction Ebook Award, the Virginia Indie Author Project Award for Adult Fiction, and the Blind Corner Afrofuturism Microfiction Contest. His collection Keep It 100: 100-Word Stories was selected by Kojo Baffoe for South Africa's Sunday Times' Best Reads of 2021.Â
Ran is also the recipient of both a Mississippi Arts Commission/NEA artist grant and an artist mini-grant.  He has served as an Artist-in-Residence with the Mississippi Arts Commission. Additionally, he is a past participant in the Hurston-Wright Writers Week Workshop and is the recipient of a fellowship from the Callaloo Writers Workshop. He has been featured in Library Journal and Publishers Weekly and at the Library Journal Day of Dialog. He has served as a judge for several regional, national, and international contests, and he also regularly writes for Writer's Digest magazine, where he serves as a Contributing Editor.
Ran is an Associate Professor of English and Creative Writing at Hampton University and teaches with Writer's Digest University. He lives in Virginia with his wife and daughter.