Success Stories

Success Stories

“It's exciting and encouraging!”


I don’t know exactly how to explain it, but somehow what story is, what writing is, and how to tell a good story has suddenly become much more clear to me. I have a lot of background, but since this course started, these things are now jumping out at me and are much more clear to find as I edit…this aspect has been muddy for a long time, and it’s exciting and encouraging to finally be “getting it.” Terri Valentine’s style has something to do with this, since this new clarity began when this course began.


“A light bulb clicked on...”


I took both Creativity & Expression and Advanced Poetry with GF Boyer. I cannot express how much she helped me improve. It was like a light bulb clicked on, with the things that she said and how she explained everything.


“I am delighted!”


I recently completed the Essentials of Travel Writing course and within two weeks had 2 pieces accepted for publication and one of my photographs on a magazine cover. Needless to say I am delighted and can’t thank my instructor, Fred W. Wright, enough for his assistance and support in making that happen.


“Insightful and very helpful.”


I found Cherri Randall to be a wonderful instructor. She read our work carefully, and responded to each poem thoughtfully. Poetry is a difficult medium to evaluate as it’s so subjective, but I found Cherri’s comments insightful and very helpful. She is also encouraging and goes out of her way to pass on advice and helpful tips she has discovered. I gained a lot of confidence taking her class. Prior to the course I felt that I was writing poetry and receiving little helpful feedback. My writing group is not composed of poets. This is the first instance I’ve had of being able to read and send out my own writing and receive valuable feedback.


“Incredibly useful...”


Breaking into Copywriting was an incredibly useful introduction to the world of writing ad copy. Athena offered great insight into what it takes to be successful as a copywriter and I personally feel prepared to delve confidently into the world of advertising because of her help and instruction.


“I have books coming out!”


I have two books coming out – the first is an anthology written with NYT Bestselling author Annette Blair and introducing myself, Lynn Jenssen, and Jeanine Duval Spikes. The title is Sisters of Spirit – Treasures of the Hidden Cove.


“Very valuable...”


I found the Fundamentals of Fiction class not only interesting but very valuable to me. I learned things that I didn’t know and I learned how to apply these things. The instructor, Miki Hayden was very helpful and very nice in the way she made suggestions.


“Constructive and motivating.”


Carolyn Walker’s feedback in the Fundamentals of Nonfiction class was consistently professional, friendly, constructive and motivating. Her comments have helped me develop a better product. I cannot recommend her more.


“Worth the cost!”


To instructor Joyce Wells: I just wanted to follow up to say thank you for all of your helpful feedback throughout the Fundamentals of Fiction Writing course. I really learned so much and feel that I’m in a much better place to finish a quality novel. The class was definitely worth the cost, and I would recommend it to anyone looking to get started on a novel.


“Tremendous impact on my writing.”


Of all the writing instructors I’ve had, John DeChancie is my absolute favorite – a true “Goldilocks” mentor, neither too harsh nor too coddling. He doesn’t pull punches, but he can rake you over the coals and leave you laughing because of the wry sense of humor and the respect that still come through. Likewise, he’s candid with his positive remarks, letting you know what he enjoyed and what worked. In all of this, he uses specific examples from your writing to illustrate his points, making it easier to learn and lending weight to his critiques. No skimming or rush jobs from John. Another writer recommended him when I was contemplating the Fundamentals course. I enjoyed his style so much that I went on to join the Advanced Novel Writing course, as well. I can honestly say he’s made a tremendous impact on my writing, and I recommend him wholeheartedly.


“Helped me improve...”


I took John DeChancie’s “Writing the Paranormal Novel” course. I enjoyed the class and John’s critiques helped me significantly. In particular, John helped me improve my writing at the sentence and paragraph level, at the scene level, and at the story level. The class was an excellent opportunity to find, and work on, both by strengths and weaknesses.


“...A great impact on my writing.”


The Outlining Your Novel class has made a great impact on my writing. Stephen Mertz balances thoroughness and conciseness perfectly. We had all the information and feedback that we needed without being inundated with information. The result was exactly the kind of feedback I needed not only on my outlining process, but also on the book I chose to outline and to a lesser but even more important extent, my writing itself. I highly recommend this class and this instructor. I look forward to taking more classes from him in the future.


“Gave me more confidence!”


The ‘Fitting Writing into Your Life’ workshop was well spent money for me. It made me feel at ease examining how I spent my time. From there, I could begin to see clear windows, however small, to use toward writing. Instructor Terri Valentine was wonderfully positive, supportive and prompt. Because this was my first course, I was surprised at the warmth that came through from our instructor – simply because it is an electronic classroom. She felt like my #1 cheerleader from the get-go! Her input and solid edits have given me more confidence.


“Really helps authors...”


The Advanced Novel Writing Course really helps authors, who were able to complete a manuscript, to perfect their craft.




To instructor Jack Adler: I wanted to thank you for being so nice to me as I started out on my writing journey. The lessons I learned through your class at Writer’s Digest were invaluable. I am now published!




Outlining Your Novel proved to be an enlightening class, even for someone like me with an extensive background as a professional writer.


“I enjoyed every minute...”


I participated in the Fall 2012 Advanced Novel Writing course with Mark Spencer as the instructor. I wanted to let you know that not only did I enjoy every minute of this course but I also was thoroughly impressed with Mark Spencer’s insights throughout and overall evaluation of materials I submitted. Mark’s editorial comments, his assessments of character and plot, and his attention to detail in my work have helped me to realize a version of the manuscript that is far superior to the one I entered the course with. I was also very impressed with Mark’s ability to pinpoint trouble spots in my writing and to suggest fixes to specific scenes and passages. In a number of chapters of my novel, Mark saw some major structural problems, which, with his suggestions, I was able to re-work and improve 10-fold. That alone was worth the course. I’m very grateful to Mark and WDU for the opportunity to take this course, which I would recommend to any writer who wants to improve his or her abilities as a novelist.


“Thorough, helpful and motivating.”


While I found the entire Essentials of Mystery Writing workshop excellent, the most beneficial section for me was learning more about how to write and weave in effective clues. The teacher was thorough, helpful and motivating. I could apply many of her comments on my homework assignments to my overall manuscript. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this course, especially if Miki Hayden is teaching it.


“Highly recommended!”


I have recently acquired an agent and a two-book ebook deal with Kensington Publishing’s digital-first imprint for two historical romances set in Victorian London. I found the WD workshop very helpful, and the feedback and instruction were wonderful. I would (and do) highly recommend the online workshops. I just thought you should know.


“Constructive and encouraging...”


Breaking into Copywriting teaches you how to become part of a business where powerful writing is both required and appreciated. Athena’s constructive and encouraging feedback helps you develop and produce great copy in only four weeks. With that high level of instruction, why learn about advertising anywhere else?


“Helped me refocus...”


I really enjoyed the Fitting Writing into Your Life class. It has helped me refocus on keeping a writing schedule. Instructor Terri Valentine forced me to really take a look at my own writing with the 1500-word sample. Her feedback was invaluable and I hear her advice whenever I sit down to my computer.


“The breakthrough I needed.”


I just wanted to say a big thank you for your feedback and support in the Getting Started in Writing course. It’s been wonderful to submit my work and get valuable feedback from you and then to see what my fellow classmates think of it all as well. Doing this course has given me the breakthrough I needed to get serious about my writing, to practice every day, and to hone my skills so I can start submitting work and entering contests. I’m really enjoying the workshop-style course.


“Valuable education.”


I took the online Revision and Editing class with G. Miki Hayden and I feel that it has been a valuable education for me. I think my instructor was very thorough with her lectures and assignments as well as knowledgeable about the revision process. Her feedback was tough but real and she stayed positive. She also has realistic advice about what is and isn’t marketable and what agents and publishers are looking for in a manuscript. I enjoyed the online school because it allowed me to log in and work on my own schedule and as I live overseas that was essential for me. I had an outside reader review my final assignment and he said that I had “made a huge step change in my writing.” Overall a very positive and educational experience!


“Made me more focused...”


I know I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer but when I signed up for Terri Valentine’s class at Writer’s Digest, I wasn’t sure what end of the pencil to hold on to. I had written hundreds and hundreds of pages of garbely goop and thought I had a novel. I had no idea what genre I wrote or for that matter what genre I should write. I had kissing in my story so… I thought Romance. As it turns out what I write is Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Terri made me more focused, made my writing much, much better. She helped me give my characters more depth, made them more real and gave them something to say that was worth reading. More importantly she gave me the confidence that I was indeed good enough to be a writer. As a teacher… I take that back… as a mentor she has no equal and is person to whom I can look up to and admire. Thanks to her it’s only taken me 12 years of hard work to become an over night success! My fantasy novel The Littlefield Chronicles – The Gift is being Published through Belvedere Publishing and will be on Amazon. I also have a Sci-Fi novel as well as a collection of short stories available as E-books.


“Very helpful...”


John DeChancie was my instructor Essentials of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writing. He was very helpful with my assignments, and his comments on them were constructive, while not being disrespectful. I’ve learned through the years that a writer needs a thick skin when it comes to having your work critiqued, but he helped me on my mistakes and praised me when I did well. Beginning writers would be lucky to have an instructor like John. I still write and submit to magazines. Someday, I know I’ll get published thanks to John and Writer’s Digest Workshops.


“Made me feel more relaxed...”


Dan Blank’s observations and comments about my assignments helped me to improve my writing skills and best of all how to make a blog step by step. He also understands the grammar errors I made because my first language is Spanish, so he focused on the material; that makes me feel more relaxed about submitting my assignments. The experience was awesome!


“The following spring I found an agent!”


I took an online course on revision through WD two years ago. Gloria Kempton was my instructor and I learned so much from her. The WD coursework and her expert guidance made all the difference, and the following spring I found an agent. He signed me within two days of submission and sold my novel to Viking three months later! I’ve been revising with my editor and because of the course it wasn’t overwhelming. I knew what to do and how to handle each query. My novel, A MAD, WICKED FOLLY, comes out January 2014. I’ve thanked Gloria in my book acknowledgments and so I wanted to let you know. You have a real gem in Gloria and I’m so glad I took the course. I’ve told so many people about it and I know a few who have taken courses. Keep up the fabulous work! WD does so much to help writers and we are so grateful!