Mystery & Thriller


Writer's Digest University's 11th Annual Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the craft of this genre directly from bestselling Mystery and Thriller authors.

Mystery & Thriller


Writer's Digest University's 11th Annual Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the craft of this genre directly from bestselling Mystery and Thriller authors.


March 21–23, 2025

  • SEVEN all-new, one-hour webinar presentations provided by bestselling Mystery & Thriller authors
  • Live Q&A with the speakers
  • Network with fellow writers
  • Unlimited OnDemand viewing
  • Bonus OnDemand Webinars and an issue of Writer's Digest Magazine
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Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home!

Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for mystery and thriller writers! On March 21–23, 2025, our WDU Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN bestselling authors. Spend the weekend learning the finer points of the mystery and thriller genres, and optionally participate in a query letter critique from a participating literary agent.


March 21–23, 2025

  • SEVEN all-new, one-hour webinar presentations provided by bestselling Mystery & Thriller authors
  • Live Q&A with the speakers
  • Network with fellow writers
  • Unlimited OnDemand viewing
  • Bonus OnDemand Webinars and an issue of Writer's Digest Magazine
Enroll Now

Experience the education, camaraderie, and opportunities provided by a live writing conference without ever having to leave your home!


Writer’s Digest University is pleased to present a one-of-a-kind online event for mystery and thriller writers! On March 21–23, 2025, our WDU Mystery & Thriller Virtual Conference will provide expert insights from SEVEN bestselling authors. Spend the weekend learning the finer points of the mystery and thriller genres, and optionally participate in a query letter critique from a participating literary agent.

Meet the speakers

C. Hope Clark

C. Hope Clark is a multi-award-winning author of seventeen mysteries in three series, with many more to come if she has her way about it. She left a career in her beloved agricultural field, which included internal investigations, to marry a federal agent she met on a bribery case and to write stories. Hope is also the founder of, a website and newsletter that reaches 25,000 readers and has been awarded the Writer's Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers for 21 years. She lives on the banks of Lake Murray in central South Carolina, and vacations on Edisto Beach, the setting of her largest series. /

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Hallie Ephron

New York Times bestselling author Hallie Ephron, Edgar Award finalist and five-time finalist for the Mary Higgins Clark Award, writes books she hopes readers can’t put down. She was named the 2024 Dr. Herb Voigt Writer-inResidence for the Milton Public Library. Her newest suspense novel is Careful What You Wish For (August, 2019). Hallie teaches writing at workshops and writing conferences across the country and abroad. A REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITION of her Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel (Writers Digest Books), is widely available. It was nominated for Edgar and Anthony awards. Lee Child called it “the best how-to guide I have ever seen — I just wish I could have read it twenty years ago.” An award-winning crime fiction book reviewer, Hallie wrote an ON CRIME column for the Boston Globe for more than ten years.

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Amanda Flower

Amanda Flower is a USA Today bestselling and two-time Agatha Award-winning author of over fifty mystery novels. Her novels have received starred reviews from Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, and Romantic Times, and she had been featured in USA Today, First for Women, and Woman’s World. Her first Emily Dickinson Mystery, Because I Could Not Stop for Death, was an Agatha Award winner and Mary Higgins Clark Nominee. She currently writes for Penguin-Random House (Berkley), Kensington, and Sourcebooks. A former librarian, Flower and her husband own a farm and recording studio, and they live in Northeast Ohio with their adorable cats.

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Mike Maden

I grew up working in the canneries, feed mills and slaughterhouses of California’s San Joaquin Valley. A lifelong fascination with history and warfare fortuitously led to a Ph.D. in political science focused on conflict and technology in international relations. I was in grad school when I happened upon Tom Clancy’s magnificent, The Hunt for Red October. Not surprisingly, my first foray into fiction was a four-book techno-thriller series centered around drone warfare. After that series ended, I received the thrilling but wholly unexpected invitation to join the Tom Clancy franchise. It was an amazing experience.

Now I have been given the incredible privilege to write for The Oregon Files, the iconic series brought to life by the legendary Clive Cussler. With the help of his terrific writing partners Craig Dirgo, Jack Du Brul and Boyd Morrison, Clive built the series into an international bestselling franchise with some of the greatest characters and memorable moments in the genre. It goes without saying that I have big shoes to fill. Providentially, the first endorsement I received for my first novel Drone came from the hand of Clive Cussler himself. It was an extremely generous thing for him to do and I am forever grateful. It’s a debt I intend to repay by honoring his memory and legacy by creating more amazing adventures for the Oregon and her valiant crew.

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Sharon Short

Sharon Short is the author of fifteen published books. Her newest, Trouble Island, is historical suspense and will be published by Minotaur Books in 2024. As Jess Montgomery, she writes the historical Kinship Mysteries set in the 1920s and inspired by Ohio’s true first female sheriff. Sharon is a contributing editor to Writer’s Digest, for which she writes the column, “Level Up Your Writing (Life)” and teaches for Writer’s Digest University. She is also a three-time recipient of the Individual Excellence Award in Literary Arts from Ohio Arts Council and has been a John E. Nance Writer in Residence at Thurber House (Columbus, Ohio). When not writing, Sharon enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, swimming, and occasionally hiking. Learn more about her work at or

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Literary agents

Zach Honey

Fine Print Literary

Zach Honey is North Carolina-born and Montana-raised with an equal love for sweet tea and waist-deep snow. He studied film production and philosophy at Montana State University and received a master’s degree from the University of Nottingham in England. Zach is primarily seeking thrillers and adult fiction, especially those set in rural places, mountainous regions, or other hard-to-reach corners of the world. His other interests include hiking, skiing, music, board games, golf, and other outdoor activities, and he is open to non-fiction pitches in these categories.

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MARCH 21—23, 2025









MARCH 21—23, 2025