Submission Coaching: Everything You Need to Know to Get Published


Submission Coaching: Everything You Need to Know to Get Published



3/27/2025 - 5/01/2025

Enroll Now

5/15/2025 - 6/19/2025

Enroll Now

  • Are you a Novelist?
  • Have you written a Memoir?
  • Are you a non-fiction author?
  • Have you been querying agents and not getting the response you are expecting?
  • Have you been discouraged by publishers insisting upon marketing and platform successes even before your book is published?

Whether you are fiction or non-fiction, having a fully fleshed-out proposal package will make all the difference! Proposals are NOT just for non-fiction.

But most authors can get overwhelmed by the things they are being asked for. If this is you, you are not alone. Most authors feel like they are shouting down a deep well and only hearing their own echo back.

When querying agents and sending pitches to publishers, one of the biggest barriers facing authors is lack of sales and marketing data. This class will help you gather that data!

  • The BEST comparable titles
  • Industry sales data to convince agents of the sales potential of your book
  • A Market Viability Study that will impress agents and move publishers to consider signing you

In addition, authors are being asked to show marketing and platform success EVEN BEFORE THEY GET PUBLISHED. Authors are being pelted by classes on marketing and social media telling them that they have to do 15 things a day to stay relevant, but they do not know REALLY works and what makes a difference, so they end up wasting a lot of time and money.

You DON'T have to spend all day on the computer or your smart phone. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on PR and marketing, but you DO have to identify what agents are looking for and give it to them.

Acquisition editors and agents have specific things that they need to convince publishers to offer an author a contract. There is so much more to getting an agent or publishing deal than just writing a good book.

This 5-week class will give you the tools you need and that agents and publishers are looking for when considering taking on an author.

Talcott Notch Agent Amy Collins will share insights and work with you to create a complete proposal and author pitch kit. By the end of this course, you will have what you need to dramatically increase your attractiveness to agents and publishers. This course is perfect for debut authors, traditionally published authors who want to increase the offers that they are getting, self-published authors, and anyone who wants to sell the rights to their existing books or get an agent for their next project.

Amy will take you through the entire process with slow, careful, small steps that will get you MUCH further than a huge, overwhelming “data dump” that you cannot possibly use. This class will result in a complete marketing, sales, and author package you can share with the world.


  1. Agent and marketing research expert Amy Collins will provide a personalized comp title starter list
  2. You will receive an industry sales number report for your comparable titles that you can share with agents
  3. FREE Author Sheet templates to create an attractive author CV and bio sheets
  4. A powerful resource kit with websites, apps, tools, and lists that will make your search for a publishing deal MUCH easier.
  5. A Market Viability Template


3/27/2025 - 5/01/2025

Enroll Now

5/15/2025 - 6/19/2025

Enroll Now

  • Are you a Novelist?
  • Have you written a Memoir?
  • Are you a non-fiction author?
  • Have you been querying agents and not getting the response you are expecting?
  • Have you been discouraged by publishers insisting upon marketing and platform successes even before your book is published?

Whether you are fiction or non-fiction, having a fully fleshed-out proposal package will make all the difference! Proposals are NOT just for non-fiction.

But most authors can get overwhelmed by the things they are being asked for. If this is you, you are not alone. Most authors feel like they are shouting down a deep well and only hearing their own echo back.

When querying agents and sending pitches to publishers, one of the biggest barriers facing authors is lack of sales and marketing data. This class will help you gather that data!

  • The BEST comparable titles
  • Industry sales data to convince agents of the sales potential of your book
  • A Market Viability Study that will impress agents and move publishers to consider signing you

In addition, authors are being asked to show marketing and platform success EVEN BEFORE THEY GET PUBLISHED. Authors are being pelted by classes on marketing and social media telling them that they have to do 15 things a day to stay relevant, but they do not know REALLY works and what makes a difference, so they end up wasting a lot of time and money.

You DON'T have to spend all day on the computer or your smart phone. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on PR and marketing, but you DO have to identify what agents are looking for and give it to them.

Acquisition editors and agents have specific things that they need to convince publishers to offer an author a contract. There is so much more to getting an agent or publishing deal than just writing a good book.

This 5-week class will give you the tools you need and that agents and publishers are looking for when considering taking on an author.

Talcott Notch Agent Amy Collins will share insights and work with you to create a complete proposal and author pitch kit. By the end of this course, you will have what you need to dramatically increase your attractiveness to agents and publishers. This course is perfect for debut authors, traditionally published authors who want to increase the offers that they are getting, self-published authors, and anyone who wants to sell the rights to their existing books or get an agent for their next project.

Amy will take you through the entire process with slow, careful, small steps that will get you MUCH further than a huge, overwhelming “data dump” that you cannot possibly use. This class will result in a complete marketing, sales, and author package you can share with the world.


  1. Agent and marketing research expert Amy Collins will provide a personalized comp title starter list
  2. You will receive an industry sales number report for your comparable titles that you can share with agents
  3. FREE Author Sheet templates to create an attractive author CV and bio sheets
  4. A powerful resource kit with websites, apps, tools, and lists that will make your search for a publishing deal MUCH easier.
  5. A Market Viability Template

Course outline

Course outline

Each session includes a video lecture and a writing assignment to turn in for personalized feedback from your instructor. PLEASE NOTE: The videos in this course will be available from the first week to watch at your own pace. Assignments will be graded and returned in the week that they are due. Office hours will be held every Thursday during the class session from 8-9 pm ET. Recordings of the office hour sessions will be sent via email by the instructor every week for those who cannot attend.

Meet the instructor

Amy Collins

Amy Collins is an agent with the Talcott Notch Literary Services agency focusing on non-fiction and international rights. She is a USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling author and is currently working with authors with expertise in business, history, personal development, and prescriptive how-to. She is a columnist for and a board member of several publishing organizations and a trusted teacher at publishing conferences and classes. She can also be reached at

I have lived and worked in the publishing industry since 1991 when I decided to take a short break from my music career to work in a bookstore for Christmas cash. If anyone had told me that I would still be paying for holiday presents with a career in books all these years later, I would have laughed.

Over time, I became the book buyer for the entire chain of bookstores in NY, CT, and PA. In 1996 I “hopped the desk” to become a sales rep and spent over 20 years selling books to Barnes & Noble, Target, Costco, Books-A-Million, Wal-Mart as well as independent stores and libraries.

Uniquely positioned to help authors because of my decades of marketing experience, I would love to work with authors who have a passion for business and the promotional side of this industry as well as the writing side.

Besides being a USA TODAY and WALL STREET JOURNAL bestselling author and on the national advisory board for IngramSpark, I am a featured columnist for THEBOOKDESIGNER, WRITERS DIGEST MAGAZINE, IBPA, and a sought-after teacher at conferences world-wide. I teach and speak at many of the publishing industry’s top festivals and conferences including Publisher’s Weekly’s BookCon, Oklahoma Writer’s Conference, Author U, AAPS, Dublin Writers Conference, BAIPA, PALA, St. Louis Writer’s Conference, Writers Digest indieLAB, Henderson Writers Conference, and many others.

I represent the following genres most frequently:

  • Non-Fiction
  • Gift
  • Reference
  • History
  • Fantasy and Sci-Fi
  • Historical Fiction

When not in the office, my focus is on the working poor and poverty elimination, and I spend a great deal of time personally and professionally working with and training women from disadvantaged backgrounds.

(I am also a singer in a Celtic blues band on the weekends and am currently saving for a faster motorcycle.)

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