Writing for Reality TV

Writing for Reality TV


On Demand Registration

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This course is self-paced and on demand. You can go through the materials and complete assignments at your own pace. There is no instructor or peer interaction in this course.

In Writing for Reality TV, you will learn the ins and outs of what goes into the production and writing of a reality television show. This course, composed by one of the industry’s busiest and most recognizable reality television writer/producers, Troy DeVolld, offers you he tools necessary to succeed as a writer of reality television.

You’ll learn about reality subgenres and hybrid shows, the effect of reality television on the way traditionally scripted shows are written, and the basics of the production hierarchy – which, in the largely non-union wild west of reality production, can vary wildly from traditionally scripted shows. From there, we’ll move into preproduction and learn about how seasons and episodes are outlined. After that, we’ll progress into production, learning how to compose and interpret field notes and “hot sheets,” the daily action reports that keep your team as well as the production company and network execs apprised of your progress.


On Demand Registration

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This course is self-paced and on demand. You can go through the materials and complete assignments at your own pace. There is no instructor or peer interaction in this course.

In Writing for Reality TV, you will learn the ins and outs of what goes into the production and writing of a reality television show. This course, composed by one of the industry’s busiest and most recognizable reality television writer/producers, Troy DeVolld, offers you he tools necessary to succeed as a writer of reality television.

You’ll learn about reality subgenres and hybrid shows, the effect of reality television on the way traditionally scripted shows are written, and the basics of the production hierarchy – which, in the largely non-union wild west of reality production, can vary wildly from traditionally scripted shows. From there, we’ll move into preproduction and learn about how seasons and episodes are outlined. After that, we’ll progress into production, learning how to compose and interpret field notes and “hot sheets,” the daily action reports that keep your team as well as the production company and network execs apprised of your progress.

Course Details

Course outline